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Top 10 Easy Piano Songs

Here are the list of top 10 easy piano songs list. these are easy songs to play on piano as well.

Dec 21, 20244.4K Shares297.2K Views
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  1. Happy Birthday
  2. Jingle Bells
  3. Canon In D By Pachelbel
  4. Nocturne Op.9 No.2 By Chopin
  5. Fur Elise By Beethoven
  6. Gymnopedie No. 1 By Erik Satie
  7. Hallelujah
  8. Havana
  9. Prelude In C Major By Bach
  10. Fur Elise

If you're new to the piano, you may be asking what the greatest simple piano tunes are to get you started. Pitch-the actual sound of the note-and rhythm-how quickly or slowly you move from one note to the next-make up music. Easy piano songsare those that don't move around too much on the notes and have a pretty basic rhythm while you're learning to play the piano.

Playing the piano, of course, necessitates the use of two hands at the same time. If you've never played before or for a long time, though, it's better to start with tunes you can play with one hand. It's usually preferable to study each hand individually before starting to play the tune hands together while learning any song at any level.

Also, bear in mind that you must utilize the most logical finger on each note, which may require some trial and error to figure out what works best for you. Once you've figured out which finger works best for each note in order to move around quickly, make sure you use the same finger every time you play the notes. It'll make things a lot simpler. Here are 10 easy songsto play on piano.

Happy Birthday

Beginners may find Happy Birthday to be a very helpful and simple piano tune to learn. If you're at a birthday celebration and there's a piano or keyboard nearby, you may lead the singing, which may help everyone sing in tune! Put your right thumb on C and the first half of the tune will fall perfectly beneath your fingers, much like Twinkle Twinkle. There is, however, an octave leap from the C you begin on to the following C. The following series of notes will be directly beneath your fingers if you play the higher C with your little finger. One black note, a B flat, is also present. With the assistance of this guide, try a few times.

Happy Birthday To You Ji - Funny Hindi Birthday Song (Part 1) - Funzoa Mimi Teddy, Krsna Solo

Jingle Bells

The Jingle Bells' chorus is one of the easiest piano melodies to learn since there are a lot of repeated notes and almost everyone knows the melody. Knowing a melody makes learning a song far simpler than learning a song from notes you've never heard before. The poem is a little more complicated, but it's not too tough. Take a peek at this Jingle Bells lesson and try it yourself.

Jingle Bells Songs for Children

Canon In D By Pachelbel

Pachelbel was a major figure in late-eighteenth-century European Baroque music. He is best known today for his Canon in D, which was created for three violins and a ground bass and was originally composed for three violins and a ground bass (basso continuo). The poem was written between 1680 and 1690, although it was first published in the early twentieth century. Despite the fact that the canon was not written to be performed on the piano, this transcription effectively captures the melodic concept of the work.

A canon is a polyphonic musical composition in which multiple voices join in succession to perform the same theme. Three voices are included in Pachabel's canon. The basso continuo adds another voice to the mix. It differs from the other three in that it has its own melody and performs a separate part in the composition. Overall, this is one of my favorite beginning classical piano pieces, and I strongly advise you to try it!

Pachelbel - Canon In D Major. Best version.

Nocturne Op.9 No.2 By Chopin

Let's be honest about this. Chopin's Nocturne isn't the simplest classical piano composition on the list, particularly if you're just getting started with the instrument. However, if you have enough drive, it is not only feasible, but also recommended, to begin with something that is not quite as simple, but still manageable. And Nocturne, Op.9 No. 2 is the ideal piece for the job.

Chopin's best-known Nocturne was composed in E-flat major when he was about 20 years old. The piece's form is extremely similar to that of a waltz, with 34 measures composed in 12/8 meter. It begins with a very quiet legato melody that is then repeated three times. Many ornamental tones and trills are used to vary each repeat.

Chopin - Nocturne op.9 No.2

Fur Elise By Beethoven

You may probably assume that no classical musician in the world is unable to perform this piece. Beethoven's "Für Elise," which is the byname for Bagatelle No. 25 in A minor, was written on April 27th, 1810.

In 1867, the score was released. That is precisely forty years after the composer's death in 1827. Ludwig Nohl, the piece's discoverer, says that the title of the original handwritten manuscript, which is now lost, was "Für Elise am 27 April."

The piece begins with a basic six-note motif. The basic beginning of the change between E and D sharp establishes the tone of the song. This leads to a straightforward resolution in C – A. This is one of my favorite simple classical piano tunes of all time.

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Gymnopedie No. 1 By Erik Satie

Erik Satie composed three piano works called Gymnopédies. The composer is a strange character in French classical music, once describing himself as a "medieval musician who had strayed into the twentieth century by accident."

The basic and melancholy character of Gymnopédie No. 1 makes it ideal for beginning pianists. The composer's instructions state that the work should be performed in a "painful way." To accomplish that impression, the melody employs subtle intentional dissonances against the harmony, giving the song a piquant, melancholic tone. It begins with a few bars of a changing progression of two major seventh chords, one on the subdominant, G, and the other on the tonic, D.

ERIK SATIE Gnossienne 1 - Alessio Nanni, piano


Once you've mastered a few songs using just your right hand, it's time to move on to learning how to utilize your left hand. Because all music is built on chords, learning fundamental chords on the left hand is a natural next step and a useful tool for playing any song you choose. Leonard Cohen's Hallelujah is one of the most beautiful and yet simple piano pieces for beginners. You may start learning how to play chords with the left hand while playing the melody of the song with the right hand in the video below.

Leonard Cohen - Hallelujah (Live In London)


Havana is a wonderful, upbeat tune! It features a slightly more complicated melody in the right hand, as well as an off-the-beat pace, making it more difficult. The left hand has a rhythm that repeats over and over throughout the chorus, so once you have that rolling, you're good to go. To begin, the right hand plays a few chords before moving on to the real song. This video shows you how to learn each hand and then put them together in an easy-to-follow lesson. So, although it's not as simple as other songs, you may believe it's one of the easiest piano tunes to learn if you take it one step at a time.

Camila Cabello - Havana ft. Young Thug

Prelude In C Major By Bach

When you wish to learn how to play classical music on the piano, Bach's Prelude in C Major is one of the finest simple piano pieces to learn. Because it travels around the keyboard more and requires two hands to sound properly, it's a step up in complexity from the other simple piano songs for beginners listed here. This is due to the fact that the song is split between the hands, yet no two notes are performed simultaneously. In other words, even though you have two hands, you only ever play one note at a time.

When you listen to the song, you won't realize that no two notes are played at the same time; this is because the notes in the left hand are kept down while the ones in the right hand are played.

Another wonderful feature of this tune is that each note pattern appears twice. So, after you've figured out the pattern in each measure and played it through, the next step is to repeat the pattern.

If you look at the music for this simple piano song for beginners, you may be turned off since it seems to be much more complicated than it is. You'll get there if you just take one note at a time. Use the repeating patterns to predict what will happen next by looking forward to the next measure.

This video is the first in a series of short films that walk you through each hand and practice with you. This is an excellent method of learning it.

J.S. Bach - Prelude in C Major

Fur Elise

You may be ready to tackle Beethoven's Fur Elise if you've mastered Bach's Prelude in C major. It's one of the most renowned piano compositions of all time, and it's also one of the easiest piano tunes to learn after you've mastered two hands.

There are a few black notes in Fur Elise, and some of the note leaps are longer than in Bach's Prelude in C major, but if you've gone through these simple piano songs for beginners, you should be up to the task. For novices, the opening portion of Fur Elise is the finest. Because the second part is a significant leap in terms of difficulty, focus on the first section for a time. That's the part that everyone knows, and your buddies will be blown away.

Beethoven - Für Elise

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